Manually update the free version below or sign in above to create a paid auto-updating gallery
1. Find and select your items
Search Tips:
match all words = separate with spaces. small blue widget Find listings with all words small and blue and widget in the title.
match any word = separate with commas and enclose in parentheses. widget (small,blue) Find every widget that is either blue or small.
exclude words = precede "match any" with minus sign. widget -(small,blue) Must follow search word. Find widgets but exclude any that are blue or small.
match whole phrase = surround phrase in quotes. "small blue widget" Find only listings with exact phrase in title.
match any phrase = surround each phrase in quotes;
comma-separate phrases within parentheses. ( "small widget", "blue widget" ) Find listings with one of the exact phrases in title.
wildcards = NOTE: as of 05 Nov 2012, eBay no longer supports wildcards (*).
limitations = a word must be at least 2 characters long and can not exceed 98 characters.
A comma-delimited string is measured like a word – use occasional spaces to break into groups under 98 characters.
Total characters in the search phrase may not exceed 350.
URL = You may enter an eBay search URL into the text field to return up to 25 items.
The "Find and Select your Items" slots:
Guests vs Members: Guests will use the single row of slots to select eBay items for a manually editable gallery. Subscribed members will access a supplementary "searches" screen to create up to 8 (or more) different search groups for automatic nightly updating. Both Guest and Member gallery codes must be manually inserted into listings.
Index (#): The gallery index is 0 for Guest galleries. Subscribed members may create up to eight (or more) different searches that update nightly. The search index# that appears under the Member styler (below) will be used in the Member gallery.
Seller Name: Add an eBay seller name to the first slot. This is a required field.
eBay Site: Select the country (eBay site) where your eBay listing is posted. If you list your items internationally or in more than one country, choose the site where you expect the largest traffic. This is the site that will be searched and that determines the currency shown in your gallery.
The remaining fields can be ignored or can be edited to organize the returned results:
Search Stores & URLs: You may enter an eBay search URL in the "URL or Title Search" field as a convenient way to pick up store categories or store searches. Up to 25 items can be returned. The URL will preset some inputs, ignoring what is set onscreen. For instance, the ebay site will be pulled from the URL, the listing type and sort order will default to All listings and Best Match, and descriptions will not be searched. Variation listings will return only the "Best Match" variation.
Title Search: If you have lots of items, search-words can refine the search. Open the ?-tips to see how to use search-words. A checkbox adds a description search to the results. Some sellers add "product codes" to item descriptions to categorize or group them in searches.
Sort Order: Defaulting to "Newest First" means your freshest items will appear, but you may wish to use another order. "Ending Soonest" should only be used with a subscription, and even then, may include items expiring long before the nightly update, so use that option with care.
Listing Type: Guests may want to select only fixed price items that have a 30 day duration, to minimize manual updating. Otherwise the default is to display all types of listings.
Qty: The maximum number of items to display defaults to 12 or 24. A lower number can be forced by editing this value if the returned items need to fit into a predefined space in your template. If there are fewer items than your number indicates, only the available number will be displayed.
Show Items: The button will search eBay items and will return the results in the gray box. Recently listed items may not yet appear in the search. If no items were found, or if the wrong country is chosen, a "no items found" message will appear. Seller name misspellings appear as errors.
Displayed Items - Guests: If making a manual gallery as a Guest, you will be able to checkmark the items to use in your gallery. Members can create guest galleries while logged out.
Displayed Items - Members: If logged in as a subscribing member, the displayed listings are informational only (not selectable) and are managed nightly by the service. Member galleries will access the member database, not the screen results, so if your gallery fails to appear while testing here, be sure to:
activate (checkmark) at least one search in your account.
save your search group to update the server.
set or select the index# for an active search by clicking "Show" on an activated search on the member screen above so that the index# appears under the gallery styler below.
Converting - Guest to member: To convert existing galleries from guest to member, you will need to replace the codes in your listings. To bulk replace your galleries, see the Active Content Editor at
2. Make and Style your Gallery
with stock or custom Skins
Member Skins
Skin Styler
Member Layouts: Select a Saved Style:
Members must log in to create or view their custom styles.
Member Features:
Cell Orientation
Image Size
Image Fit
Color Sets:
• Select color item on right. →
• Slide or click shade bar up/down.↓
• Drag or click color palette.↓
Skin #
with Search #
to this gallery.
0 x 0
Xsellx's new eBay Compliant CSS galleries consist of three parts.
Plug-in: The HTML structure placed in your listing to provide the framework.
Skin: The gallery stylesheet or "skin" gives it a unique appearance
Data: The seller's listing data is displayed in the gallery
These all come together in a single plug-in code for your pages.
For members, both the skins and listing data are stored on our server.
For guests, only the skins are stored on our server.
The HTML framework is nearly the same for all plug-ins, while the skins and data differ by user.
Thus, when a plug-in is created, members will see three changeable values:
the xsellx user name, the search#, and the skin#.
To switch to an entirely different gallery, members only need to change these three values.
By creating identical, or nearly identical, small plug-in code blocks,
members can use bulk edit tools to add, remove, or edit galleries within listings.
Custom Skins
When logged in as a member, you will have access to your custom skins.
The custom styles you have made and saved to your account will be listed on the left,
and are not affected by the styling tool to the right.
Using your own custom stylesheet offers maximum flexibility when making changes.
Use the styler to create your own design or ask for a free custom skin modification.
Designers will love the infinite CSS possibilities available to custom stylesheets.
The stylesheet tool is just a start and provides many options,
but a CSS designer can skin a gallery that looks nothing like the samples!
Stock Skins
The stock stylesheets are available to both guests and logged in members.
The stock styles are hosted on our server and come with a few selectable features.
Your customizable colors will be saved with your plug-in code.
Members who use stock skins will still have small plug-in code,
but it must also carry color selections and some gallery values
and is not as flexible if changes are needed.
However, members can save a stock skin to their own custom list,
and can then select it from the list for maximum flexibility.
Guests will be accessing our hosted stock skins,
but guest plug-in codes will also include listing data.
The listing data does not update, so, when the data becomes stale,
guests must revisit this tool to create a new plug-in
(or to generate new listing data to insert into the old plug-in).
Why save a Style or Skin?
When you select a standard stock skin as a signed-in member,
you may save that skin to your own custom collection.
Add as many skins to your collection as you wish. Once saved, they are customizable.
To use your saved skin, click it from your list of skins instead of choosing a stock skin.
Your cusom skin generates smaller plugin code and offers more flexibility than the standard stock skins.
And best of all, a skin from your custom collection can be modified at any time in our editor,
without touching your listings.
If you need a skin that is unlike the stock skins,
save one that most closely matches what you have in mind,
and then send us a request to customize your saved skin.
We can readily customize a skin from your collection, and, even if it is already in listings,
those listings will update with the new skin changes.
This is not possible when standard stock skins are added directly to a listing.
When no listings are selected, or when no listings are available,
the tool will display placeholder data to help you visualize your gallery.
When you change your search criteria to locate actual listings, real data will display in the preview.
Members: When logged in as a member, galleries are made from your database of saved searches,
which may take a minute to update.
If you do not expect to see placeholders, please wait a moment and click the MAKE button again.
If repeated attempts fail to display your items, please review your saved search criteria:
Have you created and selected an active search for your gallery?
Do your search terms match active listings?
Is the eBay site correct for the seller name in your search?
Members, did you remember to checkmark your search and click "Show"
on the "Searches" screen to update your database and set your search number?
with the current design, or leave empty to assign to the next available number (4000-4999).
Add your own descriptive label for your skin (i.e. Blue with title and prices):
Preview at:
4. Copy your Guest Plug-in code
You must manually insert your plugin code in the page where you want it to appear.
Below is the standard CSS plug-in for your Guest gallery.
To add an eBay affiliate link, checkmark the EPN box below.
Gallery Plugin Code
The FREE gallery for GUESTS will not update after it is created.
Your data is embedded directly within the code.
To update, you must return to this tool to fetch new data,
where you may replace your entire gallery code
or manually swap out only the long lines of data.
After you manually place MEMBER code in your listing,
it will automatically update items nightly
based on the search number included in your gallery code.
use the stock gallery skins (the right side of the styler section) with your member searches,
or use a customized member skin (left side) with member searches.
We can create a skin to match your listing template.
After making at least one custom skin, it will appear on the left side of the styler
so that you can select it in the future.
The benefit of a custom skin is that you can change its appearance without editing individual listings.
Xsellx MEMBER subscriptions are available again, with custom skins and nightly updates.
Existing GUEST galleries will continue to function, while newly created guest galleries contain a minor change in the code structure.
A MEMBER subscription will provide an automatically updating array of new items each night,
which will update the selected options, like photo, title, and price.
However, eBay's "links" policy, which prohibits offsite links and scripts,
will no longer allow dynamic insertion of new links to match the new data.
Therefore, while the gallery will update the display of individual listings,
they will all link to a single member search page that is hardcoded into the gallery code that you manually embed in your listing.
You will have control over the link that is placed in your embed code, and you can manually edit that link yourself.
While the appearance remains generally unchanged,
the new GUEST tool has been modified with a slightly new code structure.
If updating older gallery code, you will need to replace the old code in its entirety.
As before, Guest gallery code is hardcoded with listing info and links.
Hardcoded links that are embedded in the gallery code are allowed on eBay as long as they link to eBay pages.
The tradeoff between guest and member galleries is that,
while the guest galleries link to individual listings they do not update when listings expire.
There is no automatic conversion from guest to member galleries, as the format differs significantly.
If you start as a guest and want to convert to member subscriptions,
you will need to replace your older guest gallery codes with newer member codes.
You may use the Active Content Editor
tool to remove the Xsellx gallery in bulk, or the Active Content Sandbox tool to revise single listings.
Both tools contain a checkbox to remove Xsellx.
The bulk editor can also be used to bulk replace the Xsellx gallery with something else
(instead of just removing the gallery) when custom filter settings are used instead of the checkbox.
If you need help with the transition, or with custom filters, please ask.